First of all, I would like to thank you loads for your kind support and encouragement! I must admit that this is what gave me strong guts to move on in Mathematics, as I was never good in it before. Now I can say that Mathematics is not that tough huh ;-) Frankly speaking, I never came across such a wonderful and caring teacher like you... You were always dedicated to us and this is what differs you from the others! It was true that, at the beginning, I was damn scared to attend your lectures
But gradually I started to be more at ease in the subject.
Actually, I was so glad to know that, finally, I made it; I mean, to pass in Maths was like something impossible for me but, thanks to you, I did pass in it. I know there's still room for improvement but nevertheless I'm quite satisfied! My parents send you their best regards and thank you a lot for your sincere dedication. Now I just hope that I'll pass the final exams. I just pray that I'll have the chance to work with you again for the coming years, you're simply the best, Sir! It was indeed a great pleasure to have you as my lecturer and I'll never forget all the advice you gave us.
-Ameerah/ Foundation Mathematics 042 (Curtin)